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Careers Clusters

Improving the quality of CEIAG in schools to help pupils make a successful transition from school to further study, employment or training

Funded by



As part of our increasing portfolio of careers information, advice and guidance contracts, we deliver Careers Clusters in the London Borough of Croydon and the London Borough of Hillingdon.

The Careers Clusters help facilitate sustainable relationships between local schools, colleges, employers and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to support the work readiness of pupil groups from within designated schools. Careers Clusters focus on increasing the number of pupils who make a successful transition from school to further study, employment or training by improving the quality of CEIAG in schools.

Careers Clusters are part of the Mayor’s European Social Fund (ESF) 2019 - 2023 programme, supporting students age 11-19 and up to age 25 for students with SEND (Special educational needs and disabilities).

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What are the benefits to schools and colleges in the Cluster?

  • Funded support to build upon and develop current careers activity and employer links supporting schools and colleges to achieve the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks
  • Collaborative working across the Clusters to support pupils and share good practice and resources
  • Better links for sustained activity with employers (including them in designing industry-led careers support including micro and SME businesses), training providers, colleges and Higher Education 
  • An increase in teachers’ knowledge about the labour market to improve confidence in providing careers support to pupils including progression via academic, technical, vocational and apprenticeship pathways
  • An increase in pupil’s knowledge of the world of work and future pathways available to them including progression via academic, technical, vocational and apprenticeship pathways.

Got a question?

If you would like to talk to a member of the Careers Clusters team, get in touch with us.

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