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Research 17/04/2022

What lasting educational benefits can be created from mega events?

By Alan Graver, Lucy Cammiss, Chris Charlton, Jelena Plantak

This report looks at educational legacy that can be created from mega events.

Whilst there is a wealth of information regarding tangible or ‘hard’ legacies created by mega events, social (‘soft’) legacies appear to be less well understood, measured or defined. Initial scoping work for this project concluded that there was little by way of publicly available guidance in respect of ‘educational legacy’ created by mega events. As such, this research report aims to:

  • inform policy makers so they can understand the potential importance of constructing, investing in and measuring educational legacy created by mega events encourage mega event organisers of the future to embed educational legacy in their earliest thinking, as a solid component of their wider event legacy when planning bids and delivery models
  • inspire educational practitioners by describing the many different ways in which educational legacy manifests itself practically in schools, colleges, higher education institutions and other learning environments through exciting projects and initiatives.


What lasting educational benefits can be created from mega events? (English)

This report looks at educational legacy that can be created from mega events.

What Lasting Educational Benefits Can Be Created From Mega Events (English) Cover 180X255
What lasting educational benefits can be created from mega events? (Arabic)

This report looks at educational legacy that can be created from mega events.

What Lasting Educational Benefits Can Be Created From Mega Events (Arabic) Cover 180X255

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