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Research 25/06/2022

The quiet revolution

By Dr Richard Churches

This action research project focuses on the teaching and learning of languages and covers topics such as understanding language structure, writing skills and finding ways to get pupils to speak in the target language.

The reports, written by the teachers themselves, tell the story of their research in their own words. The 28 reports cover seven themes, although there is overlap between many of the areas:

  • grammar, writing and reading
  • memorisation and pronunciation improvement using body language and gesture in the classroom
  • motivation to learn a language, intercultural understanding, authentic materials and activity
  • special educational needs and less able learners
  • spontaneous talking strategies as the gateway to attainment
  • talk in the classroom, understanding the barriers to speaking
  • leadership of Modern Foreign Languages and whole-school approaches.


The quiet revolution

This action research project focuses on the teaching and learning of languages and covers topics such as understanding language structure, writing skills and finding ways to get pupils to speak in the target language.

The Quiet Revolution Cover 180X255