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Research 10/06/2022

The impact of sector-wide approaches: where from, where now and where to?

By Erika Boak, Susy Ndaruhutse

This research reflects upon and reviews the global progress of education sector wide approaches in developing countries since their introduction in the late 1990s

The research is based on an analysis of the global literature, as well as the grey literature on SWAps since they were first launched. The research methodology was composed of (i) a desk review of existing international literature on SWAps, aid effectiveness, education planning, education financing, education outcomes and fragile contexts as well as relevant national, grey literature; and (ii) stakeholder interviews in the form of telephone interviews, written responses to questionnaires or in some cases face-to-face interviews. The informants were made up of experts within the field of SWAps who brought the perspectives of different donors, and independent consultants with national-level experience of  implementing SWAps, as well as some non-traditional donors.


The impact of sector-wide approaches: where from, where now and where to?

This research reflects upon and reviews the global progress of education sector wide approaches in developing countries since their introduction in the late 1990s

The Impact Of Sector Wide Approaches Where From, Where Now And Where To Cover 180X255
The impact of sector-wide approaches: where from, where now and where to? (Summary report)

This research reflects upon and reviews the global progress of education sector wide approaches in developing countries since their introduction in the late 1990s

The Impact Of Sector Wide Approaches Where From, Where Now And Where To (Summary Report) Cover 180X255
The impact of sector-wide approaches: where from, where now and where to? (Planning and financing)

This research reflects upon and reviews the global progress of education sector wide approaches in developing countries since their introduction in the late 1990s

The Impact Of Sector Wide Approaches Where From, Where Now And Where To (Planning And Financing) Cover 180X255
The impact of sector-wide approaches: where from, where now and where to? (Policy brief - fragility)

This research reflects upon and reviews the global progress of education sector wide approaches in developing countries since their introduction in the late 1990s

The Impact Of Sector Wide Approaches Where From, Where Now And Where To (Policy Brief Fragility) Cover 180X255 (1)
The impact of sector-wide approaches: where from, where now and where to? (Policy brief - education outcomes)

This research reflects upon and reviews the global progress of education sector wide approaches in developing countries since their introduction in the late 1990s

The Impact Of Sector Wide Approaches Where From, Where Now And Where To (Policy Brief Education Outcomes) Cover 180X255
The impact of sector-wide approaches: where from, where now and where to? (Policy brief - aid effectiveness)

This research reflects upon and reviews the global progress of education sector wide approaches in developing countries since their introduction in the late 1990s

The Impact Of Sector Wide Approaches Where From, Where Now And Where To (Policy Brief Aid Effectiveness) Cover 180X255

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