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Research 04/04/2022

Tackling bullying, using evidence, learning lessons

This document summarises the findings of a development and research (D&R) project that focused on tackling bullying in Coventry schools.

Over a two-year period (2007 to 2009) each of the participants undertook D&R work on a particular aspect of their school’s anti-bullying work. Spanning primary, secondary and special school contexts, these included:

  • working with bullying survivors
  • tackling girls’ bullying
  • developing peer support (befriending and peer mediation)
  • understanding in-lesson bullying
  • improving play during lunchtimes.

The findings emerging from this work can be summarised in four ways: overarching strategic messages about tackling bullying and using evidence; case study learning about tackling specific bullying issues; process learning about combining development with research; and wider lessons for others interested in bullying and/or D&R.


Tackling bullying, using evidence, learning lessons

This document summarises the findings of a development and research (D&R) project that focused on tackling bullying in Coventry schools.

Tackling Bullying, Using Evidence, Learning Lessons Cover 180X255

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