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Insight 02/02/2016

Strategies for transforming local education systems

By Matt Davis, Maggie Farrar, Ben Bryant, Simon Rea

What happens when strategic leaders from more than 20 local education systems across England come together to discuss education reform? This thinkpiece captures the questions raised, their implications and some possible solutions.

The big questions facing local education systems:

  • How can local education systems best make sense of the manifold relationships within them?
  • How can local education systems ensure the coherent deployment of system leadership resources?
  • How can local education systems make the most of the opportunity of the transition to build system leadership capacity?
  • How can local education systems ensure that there is clear accountability and, where necessary, challenge?
  • How can local education systems link education improvement partnerships with other functions, including place-planning and support for vulnerable young people?
  • How can local education systems best facilitate and strengthen partnership working where it is in its infancy?
  • In parallel, how can local education systems strengthen partnerships that are superficial, cosy and lack purpose?
  • How can partnerships within local education systems identify and respond quickly to weak and vulnerable partners?
  • How can local education systems quickly identify, disseminate and utilise knowledge about what makes partnerships effective?
  • How can local education systems develop local partnership capacity, rooted in the local context?


Strategies for transforming local education systems

What happens when strategic leaders from more than 20 local education systems across England come together to discuss education reform? This thinkpiece captures the questions raised, their implications and some possible solutions.

Strategies For Transforming Local Education Systems Cover 180X255

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