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Research 13/02/2019

Raising student achievement in literacy and numeracy

Our specialised solution resulted in a transformation of performance with more than half of the government school student cohort obtaining grades equivalent to native-speaker level (A*-C); an increase of more than 30 per cent in a 10-year period compared to a 5 per cent increase in the previous 10 years.

Today, Brunei Darussalam enjoys one of the highest standards of living in Asia - its per capita income is one of the highest and its standards of education and health are amonng the topmost in the developing world. Nevertheless, continued development remains a top priority.

Education is a key element for the realisation of the country's long-term development framework. The Literacy and Numeracy Coaching Programme (LNCP) is the ministry's flagship programme for raising student achievement in literacy and numeracy. 

The long term goal of our programme is that by 2035 all students are highly numerate and literate in the English language. To acheive the goal, there needs to be high quality teaching in all schools and sustained levels of support to these teachers. Brunei's Ministry of Education contracted ¶®ÒõµÛ through its subsidiary company, CfBT Education Services, to design, test and refine an approach for LNCP and demostrate that it is feasible through implementation. To date we have directly impacted 20,456 students, and deployed: 

  • 60 international coaches to work in schools alongside local coaches and teachers to act as role models and provide day-to-day ongoing coaching and support
  • 8 international mentors to provide one-on-one support to participants in the leadership programme
  • 20 technical experts to provide ad hoc specialist support on identified technical matters as part of the capacity building programme

Through the five key programme principles - at scale, targeted capacity building, local ownership, an integrated prgramme, and quality implementation - reviewing the story of LNCP between 2016 and 2018 shows a great deal has been accomplished in a short amount of time with professional development prorgrammes developed, training implemented and transformational change emerging at all levels of the system. 

This report explores the impact of our LNCP programme across students, teachers and system-wide. 


Raising student achievement in literacy and numeracy

Our specialised solution resulted in a transformation of performance with more than half of the government school student cohort obtaining grades equivalent to native-speaker level (A*-C); an increase of more than 30 per cent in a 10-year period compared to a 5 per cent increase in the previous 10 years.

Raising Student Achievement In Literacy And Numeracy Cover 180X255

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