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Research 13/03/2019

Our response to the Syrian crisis

By Dr Anna Riggall, Susy Ndaruhutse

Our work in response to the Syrian refugee crisis has three core elements: we upskill teachers of refugees on the ground in Lebanon and Jordan; we advise and support governments and agencies on policy; and we contribute to the much-needed evidence base through our research.

The number of Syrian refugees living outside of their country is reportedly 5.6million, of which 29.3% of those are school age (5-17 years). If children and young people do not receive an education, the effects will impact on the rebuilding of their lives, the lives of their families and ultimately, their country.  

We have been working in three key ways in response to the Syrian refugee crisis; find out more about our work in this report.


Our response to the Syrian crisis

Our work in response to the Syrian refugee crisis has three core elements: we upskill teachers of refugees on the ground in Lebanon and Jordan; we advise and support governments and agencies on policy; and we contribute to the much-needed evidence base through our research.

Our Response To The Syrian Crisis Cover 180X255

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