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Research 21/04/2022

Leading learning in further education

The purpose of this research was to identify things that college leaders do that have the most impact on the quality of learning.

There is a range of evidence from inspectors’ reports, from the work of sector organisations and the academic literature describing how effective leadership can improve outcomes for learners. A number of large-scale reviews of international evidence offer particularly robust findings. A recent review published by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) provides a helpful basis for categorising aspects of leadership that have proved successful in improving the quality of teaching and learning. According to the authors of that report, the key elements are seen as:

  • Involvement in the professional learning and development of staff
  • Active engagement in managing the teaching programme
  • Sending clear signals about the importance of teaching and learning
  • Creating a climate where staff feel empowered to innovate


Leading learning in further education

The purpose of this research was to identify things that college leaders do that have the most impact on the quality of learning.

Leading Learning In Further Education Cover 180X255