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Insight 02/11/2015

Inside-out and downside-up

By Steve Munby, Michael Fullan

This thinkpiece by Steve Munby and Michael Fullan takes a fresh look at leadership in education – and in particular the promising role of the middle leader.

What are the inadequacies of the status quo? How might we address any issues and what role does the leader in the middle play in the bigger picture? 

Our leaders in the middle are networked leaders who link laterally to create change in the middle; they partner upwards with the state and downwards to all schools and communities. In this thinkpiece, we look at the bigger picture, explore school-to-school collaboration and look at the role of the middle leader in driving forward education reform.


Inside-out and downside-up

This thinkpiece by Steve Munby and Michael Fullan takes a fresh look at leadership in education – and in particular the promising role of the middle leader.

Inside Out And Downside Up Cover 180X255

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