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Research 27/05/2022

Financing for all

By Rebecca Winthrop, Susy Ndaruhutse, Janice Dolan, Anda Adams

This policy outlook outlines seven ways that the Education for All-Fast Track Initiative needs to evolve so that it can more effectively and consistently address the education needs of fragile and conflict-affected states.

The seven recommendations to the FTI Board of Directors are:

  1. Create an inclusive “one process, one fund” model by adopting a continuum approach that meets countries where they are, utilizing the Progressive Framework. Allocate funding based on need and reward good performance based on progress against mutually agreed, context-specific outcomes.
  2. Make the FTI’s Catalytic Fund a financial intermediary fund that is independent of World Bank procedures in order to improve aid effectiveness of the fund; to increase the ability to use modalities that can support recurrent costs; and to ensure appropriate, predictable and flexible support for fragile and conflict-affected states where the World Bank may not have country level presence.
  3. Adopt a clear approach and guidelines for working with the best-fit-for-progress partner at country level. While this will be the government in the majority of cases, in some fragile and conflict-affected states where it is not feasible to work in and through government systems, this may need to be others such as local government, international financial and education management agents, and non-state actors. The FTI should draw on good practice from the global health funds and their work with a range of partners at country level.
  4. Develop a roster of potential supervising entities that work in fragile and conflict-affected states in order to increase flexibility with respect to having the best partner at country level act as supervisor of funds and thus be able to support recurrent and capital costs.
  5. Attract a larger group of existing bilateral and multilateral donors as well as the private sector and foundations to provide significant additional volumes of aid to a revamped FTI that can support the sizeable education needs of fragile and conflict-affected states where there is often a very scarce or non-existent bilateral presence that can be scaled up.
  6. Support Local Education Groups to play a stronger role through early, frequent and long-term dialogue with country-level actors to both develop and implement their country-specific capacity development activities through a comprehensive and integrated approach to capacity development, with implementation support being particularly critical for education sector development in fragile and conflict-affected states. Diversify the providers of technical assistance beyond the World Bank and align capacity development support with other support being received through the FTI and other donors.
  7. Expand the scope of the FTI to allow support of the whole education sector, permitting each country to identify which strategies, levels and types of education should be prioritized. This is particularly important in fragile and conflict-affected states where youth can often miss out on educational opportunities. Not harnessing youth potential in a positive way could have a negative impact on future economic growth, social development and stability.


Financing for all

This policy outlook outlines seven ways that the Education for All-Fast Track Initiative needs to evolve so that it can more effectively and consistently address the education needs of fragile and conflict-affected states.

Financing For All Cover 180X255

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