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Research 29/05/2022

Extended services: ensuring sustainability using the social enterprise model

By Lesley Miller, Wan Saiful Wan Jan, Catriona Rust, Gustavo Arnaudo

This report examines the extent to which social enterprise is used in schools to deliver extended services.

Schools that have embraced the delivery of extended services through a business model have a number of critical success factors in common:

  • A shared vision for extended services and for what could be achieved for communities
  • A champion with the passion and drive to lead the enterprise and surmount challenges
  • Innovative development of relationships with partners in the community
  • Skilled and enterprising staff
  • Careful business planning to provide solid foundations for running the social enterprise.

In this report, a six-stage strategic planning and business development process is put forward outlining how to set up a social enterprise to provide extended services within a school.


Extended services: ensuring sustainability using the social enterprise model

This report examines the extent to which social enterprise is used in schools to deliver extended services.

Extended Services Ensuring Sustainability Using The Social Enterprise Model Cover 180X255