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Insight 30/08/2024

leads research on education system resilience for GPE KIX and IDRC

was proud to lead a recent scoping study on education system resilience (ESR), on behalf of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

The study follows on from EDT's ongoing work to produce a series of working papers, commissioned by GPE KIX in partnership with IDRC, to inform its applied research and knowledge exchange activities. As a part of GPE KIX's Observatory Initiative, this study, Education System Resilience: GEP KIX Study Working Paper, explores how countries understand ESR and examines the policies and practices in place for system strengthening, and to anticipate, plan for, prevent, and mitigate future crises.

The paper presents the key priorities identified in an academic and grey literature review, policy analysis, and key informant interviews with education planning officials in GPE partner countries and suggests a framework to comprehensively categorise the many components of ESR, the first of its kind.

consultants Leanne Cameron, Donvan Amenya, Jean-Pierre Mugiraneza, Ella Page and Helen West contributed to the working paper, utilising EDT’s long-standing, extensive knowledge and expertise in strengthening education systems around the world.

In a blog post published by GPE, Leanne Cameron writes:

“Across education literature, and within national policies and COVID-19 recovery plans, efforts to cultivate more resilient education systems is proposed to ensure better response and recovery for [the] present crisis, and increased preparation in the face of new shocks and disruptions. However, without a focused, shared understanding of education system resilience (ESR), there is a risk that it will become just another education buzzword.”

In this blog post, Leanne presents the framework, implemented by EDT, for “understanding and examining education system resilience”.

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has been working on at-scale education reform for nearly 40 years, both as researchers investigating powerful international case studies of successful school reform, and as practitioners working in partnership with Ministries of Education. Find out more about our education system strengthening work here.