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Insight 09/05/2019

Destination tracking services

¶®ÒõµÛ’s careers team supports local authorities, schools and colleges across the country to track the destinations of their young people. Thanks to our excellence in data management, our careers team has contributed to the London borough of Hammersmith and Fulham being ranked number one in the latest Department for Education league tables.

The challenge

There is a statutory requirement that local authorities track the destinations of young people and report on the figures for those not in education, employment or training (NEET) and ‘not known’. Gatsby benchmark three outlines that schools should collect data for each pupil on their education, training or employment destinations for at least three years after they leave school. Collection and analysis of destination data can also help schools build alumni networks which are valuable for giving pupils encounters with employers. Quality, reliable data allows local authorities to make informed decisions about provision in their jurisdiction and also to ensure that vulnerable students are looked after.

Our approach

Our tracking team can track from as few as 10 young people in a school up to cohorts of 25,000. We make a minimum of three attempts to contact each person by telephone and work closely with each client to ensure contact details are gathered in advance to improve the response rate. Results published by the Department for Education show our client, Hammersmith and Fulham, to have the lowest number of NEET and ‘not known’ – and the latter is down to the proven expertise we have. As well as adopting a systematic and committed approach, our success is down to nurturing excellent working relationships with schools, colleges, training centres and other stakeholders.

We are able to achieve such positive results and get such a full picture thanks to our long-term approach. We couldn’t get data of this quality and with such a high success rate as a one-off; rather we carefully build and invest in our local networks to ensure we can give a comprehensive picture for our clients.

Our impact

Our data management and tracking team delivers two London contracts to track the destinations of some 15,000 young people aged between 16 and 19. Within the latest reporting period, the London borough of Hammersmith & Fulham had the lowest numbers of those ‘not in education, employment or training’ (NEET) and, crucially, ‘not known’, putting them in the top spot out of 152 local authorities for reporting the lowest NEET and not known both in London and nationally.

Having worked with ¶®ÒõµÛ over the last 18 months and as contract holders since 2007, I have been highly impressed with their constant professionalism and responsiveness. The team has consistently produced strong results that has led to Hammersmith and Fulham having the lowest percentage of NEETs/Not Knowns as well as highest participation percentages nationally for the past two years.
Joe Meader, Commissioning Manager, Hammersmith and Fulham