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Research 11/05/2022

Action research at St Mark's Academy 2013

By Alex Elwick, Dr Anna Riggall

The third volume of findings from action research at St Mark's Academy, this research report focuses on research into improving the quality of teaching and learning, based upon a series of teacher-led projects.

Developing a real professional learning community within the staff of a school is an ambitious task but one which the teachers and leaders at St Mark's Academy have shown can be achieved with the right support and some hard work and dedication. This research report encapsulates the learning and teaching journey at St Mark's; characterised by a shift to a more collaborative, reflective and creative culture.

The best schools are outward-facing and recognise the importance of learning from others; the practitioner research programme has enabled St Mark's to gather and share research and has been a key strand of the academy's journey to date. It has proved an excellent opportunity for teachers, teaching assistants and other academy staff to use research as a vehicle for improving their practice and as a tool for refection and self-evaluation.

The research report covers topics including investigations into:

  • whole-school literacy
  • motivating learners in religious education
  • the impact of local fieldwork investigation on student experiences
  • the perception of school values on achievement and behaviour
  • an examination of the transition from Year 11 to Year 12.


Action research at St Mark's Academy 2013

The third volume of findings from action research at St Mark's Academy, this research report focuses on research into improving the quality of teaching and learning, based upon a series of teacher-led projects.

Action Research At St Mark's Academy 2013 Cover 180X255

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