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Podcast 07/12/2021

The ‘golden thread’ helping to retain ECTs

Episode 2

In recent years there’s been a shift in how we nurture teachers at the beginning of their career journeys, so how has a ‘golden thread’ approach to training Early Career Teachers helped solve the teacher retention equation?

Two experts driving the Early Career Framework that’s providing support to new teachers join Tony McAleavy on Brighter Futures this week: Samantha Twiselton OBE, Director of the Sheffield Institute of Education, and our own Dr Nicky Platt, Lead Education Advisor.

We break down the discourse around research that’s informing these vital frameworks, how to encourage more mentors to engage with the Early Career Framework programme, and where international schools can implement a similarly effective ‘golden thread’.

This episode covers:

  • The ‘Golden Thread’ that’s keeping teachers engaged throughout their entire careers
  • Extended training schemes for teachers, and how they’re improving teacher retention
  • How research documents are continually evolving the framework by which we induct Early Career Teachers
  • The role of mentors, and how their needs must be addressed to nurture mutual professional development
  • Which aspects of the English system serve as a useful learning tool for educational establishments internationally

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