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Article 27/06/2022

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits BLF work in Rwanda

On Thursday 23rd June 2022, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson arrived in Rwanda to attend the Common Wealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). Whilst visiting Kigali, we were proud to share our Building Learning Foundations (BLF) programme with the Prime Minister, where he took part in activities and was able to experience the impact BLF is making in Rwanda’s education system.

The Prime Minister visited Group Scolaire Kacyiru, a public primary school located in Kigali city that has been supported by BLF since 2017. The headteacher and BLF’s Local Leader of Learning, Jolly Ladegonde Mukase, welcomed the Prime Minister who was accompanied by the Minister of State in charge of Primary and Secondary Education, Twagirayezu Gaspard.

Both leaders were introduced to BLF’s work in all schools across the country, and observed a P3 English lesson, and read a story for the students from the English Pupil Activity Books that were delivered by BLF to all public primary schools in Rwanda.

From here, Mr Johnson joined a Girls’ Club activity in which club members were discussing and drawing their role models and who they would like to be in future. The Prime Minister joined in the club activity by helping the girls to draw. Each group presented what they want to be in future and what challenges would prevent them from achieving their dreams, but also shared some possible ways to overcome these challenges.

Our group has a dream of becoming doctors and engineers in future. However, there are some challenges that can prevent us from achieving our dream such as teen pregnancy, dropping out of school, family conflicts and poverty. Even though we anticipate these challenges, we will vow to remain in school study and STEM related subjects and listen to our teachers and parents counsel”, said the club members.

The Prime Minister also observed a Mathematics Community of Practice meeting in which teachers were discussing how to make their own teaching and learning resources learning from the self-study materials and essential classroom materials supplied by BLF over the past years.

"I used to be a Mathematics teacher too. Teaching is a noble profession. I have a lot of respect for teachers like you. Keep working hard to improve your teaching practice. I am very proud of the work you do."

UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson

Building Learning Foundations in Rwanda is the UK’s largest and only technical assistance component that has been running since July 2017 and is set to run until 2023. During his visit to Rwanda, PM Boris Johnson  that will succeed BLF and will support girls to access 12 years of quality education. To find out more about the Building Learning Foundations work, please read our case study.