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Article 23/01/2023

reaches 9.2 million learners globally in 2021-22

Our fourth Annual Impact Report reveals phenomenal growth in the reach and impact of our programmes to improve education across the world.

The Annual Impact Report 2021-22 shows how has engaged with more teachers, leaders and education systems internationally than ever before to improve outcomes and experiences for learners. We continually build innovation and evidence into our programme delivery, research and consultancy to consolidate our position as a thought-leading organisation for education reform.

Patrick Brazier, Chief Executive at EDT, said,

“I want to celebrate the exceptional work that we achieved last year and the impact we have seen on so many lives. Our organisation’s purpose is to change education for good around the world, which includes providing evidence-based research into what works, inspiring great leaders and teachers and opening career pathways. There is a huge increase in reach revealed in our latest Impact Report, but we also know that there is an individual story for every person who experiences our programmes, or benefits from our work.

“This success is a testament to the extraordinary talent and dedication of everyone who works across our organisation. I hope all my colleagues are as proud as I am of the achievements we have seen in the last year.”

Across the world, EDT’s programmes impacted 9.2 million learners worldwide, a rise of 155% on the previous year. Almost 40% of the learners reached globally are disadvantaged, which chimes with our purpose of improving lives through education.

The organisation brought positive change to more than double the number of schools and educational settings than the previous year by reaching 36,700 school leaders – who are key ‘agents of change’ in education settings – a rise of 278%.

Among the maturing programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa, we supported more girls to stay in education and to feel empowered about their own wellbeing, learning and career plans. We helped to develop the professional practice of education leaders and to raise the literacy and maths attainment of teachers and learners alike. Newer schemes are bringing careers awareness to students in the Middle East and renewed contracts have extended reach to some of England’s youngest – and most vulnerable – children to support the best start possible in their education and help close the disadvantage gap.

From careers engagement and employability portfolio to UK and global teacher and school development programmes, we continue to collaborate with more funding organisations and expert practitioners to improve lives through education.

Click here to download the Annual Impact Report 2021-22

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