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Article 02/01/2024

reaches 12.3 million learners globally in 2022-23

We are delighted to announce that has today released its fifth Annual Impact Review, which highlights the ways we engaged with teachers, leaders and partners around the world in 2022/23, ultimately impacting 12.3 million school-age learners – 3.1 million more individuals than the previous year.

This year, we reached more learners, teachers, schools and school leaders than ever before, delivering key programmes to improve teaching and learning outcomes in England, Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Jordan, and Brunei alongside consultancy work in contexts as diverse as Dubai, Tanzania, Egypt and the UK.

Meanwhile, we have continued to contribute to the global evidence base on what works in education, and worked alongside partners including ministries, donors and non-government organisations to design sustainable solutions to education challenges across the globe.

Dan Sandhu, CEO, commented:

“It is deeply encouraging to see the amazing impact that the organisation has had over the past year. In 2022/23, we achieved not just incredible growth in numbers – reaching over 3 million more school-age learners than we did last year – but also real, tangible impact on people’s lives and futures, from teachers in Brunei to vulnerable girls in Kenya, school inspectors in Dubai, learners with SEND in Rwanda and NEET young people in the UK. The stories presented in this report clearly demonstrate that our people can be exceptionally proud of the fantastic work they do and the ways in which their efforts – directly or indirectly – positively affect millions of lives around the world.

As we look ahead to 2024, I am incredibly excited about the opportunities we have to grow EDT’s impact still further, with huge potential to transform more lives, reduce social inequality and build brighter futures across the globe. We are always keen to hear from governments and other organisations around the world who share our passion for improving lives through education and look forward to continuing working with like-minded partners in the year ahead. I can’t wait to see what we will achieve next.”

Click here to read the full review

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