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Article 03/02/2023

Carbon Reduction Plan details EDT’s journey to UK Net Zero emissions

Our latest reporting of carbon emissions and energy usage shows the steps we have taken along our four-phase roadmap for achieving UK Net Zero emissions by 2040.

In November 2021, we launched a detailed UK Carbon Reduction Plan. In 2022, we collated a second report into the data, which tracks the journey we are on and shows how we are implementing energy efficient improvements within our business.

Deborah Biddell, Global Property Services Manager UK said,

“Although, as expected, emissions for 2021-22 were higher than the year before, they remained 70% lower than pre-pandemic levels.

“Our data shows an 8% reduction in emissions from fuel combustion (gas and fleet vehicles) and a 92% reduction in emissions from electricity purchased and used by EDT, compared to 2020-21 emissions data.”

Getting our electricity from 100% renewable sources

This reduction is largely because, for our UK sites, we procure electricity generated by wind and hydro assets matched to Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs). In 2021-22, 98% of EDT’s UK electricity was from 100% renewable sources, compared with 80% in 2020-21, saving 85.1 tonnes of carbon emissions compared with 78.8 tonnes respectively.

Our four-phase roadmap towards Net Zero

Travel constituted 66% of recorded emissions for 2021-22. To mitigate this, over the last few years we have implemented hybrid working for employees where feasible. In preparation for an increase in business operations following the pandemic, we reviewed and relaunched our travel policy and our sustainable development policy.

Engaging employees, partners and clients with our sustainability agenda

A growing number of our programmes across the world follow bespoke sustainability plans, to track and reduce negative environmental impact and share good practice with employers and partners. We continue to develop ways to engage our employees in sustainability knowledge and activities and promote sustainability within our external client base.

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