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Our research

We have a dedicated research team with a 20-year track record of producing high-quality, rapid, and practitioner-focussed research. We draw on this research expertise to provide evidence for what works in education reform and maximise the efficacy of our projects around the world.

We draw on our in-house research expertise and a network of international partners and experts – including university associates – to offer a variety of research-based services. These include rapid desk-based research and evidence reviews, meta-analyses, policy briefings, and detailed field research, with tailored outputs for the needs of specific countries, regions and audiences.

In our research, we endeavour to shine a light on promising practice. By methodically and systematically analysing 'bright spots' through quantitative and qualitative research, we identify lessons that can offer insight for other education systems. Equally, we conduct much-needed research in areas where there is little evidence and where there is a need for evidence that can support policy and reform. 

Much of our research is funded by our surplus, which is reinvested annually in our public research programme. However, our team also provide research services on a contractual basis to key clients, partners and government ministries, based on our expertise. To extend our reach, we regularly partner with like-minded organisations such as Save the Children, UNICEF, UNESCO, the University of Oxford and the British Council, or we work on behalf of other organisations, such as the Department for Education, FCDO, NORAD or the OECD.

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