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Leadership for learning

Investing in leadership is one of the most efficient and effective ways of strengthening education systems and improving teaching and learning at scale, and is second only to the quality of teaching in terms of impact on learning outcomes. We support school and system leaders to become agents of change beyond their own school or district, driving efficient and effective school reform.

Our expert consultants’ work with school and system leaders encompasses evidence-based policy reform, competency frameworks, leadership development curricula, and delivery of professional development activities – all centred on better meeting learners’ needs.

Our model leads to measurable gains in leadership efficacy. As a result of our work in Ethiopia, for example, the proportion of school leaders performing at the level of ‘competent leader’ or above rose from 15% to 74% from 2020 to 2022.

Our approach supports policymakers to deliver a fundamental, system-wide shift in the way leadership is conceptualised – to support learning, not administration – and to build capacity for leadership across entire systems, from initial teacher training to school, system, and policy levels.

While much of the existing research focuses solely on education leadership in high-income contexts, our experts can also effectively support leaders and policymakers to make locally relevant, evidence-based decisions in low- and middle-income systems, based on our proven model and experience in these contexts. We build local capacity to ensure sustainable change, with the ability to deliver practice-based, accredited, gender-responsive professional development programmes – including, where relevant, those with a focus on expanding opportunities for women in leadership.

Our approach has enabled us to establish new organisations and institutions with a mandate to improve the quality of teaching and school leadership in Wales, Oman, and Dubai, as well as pilot and scale impactful collaborative networks for leadership development in the UK, Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia. We also have a track record of delivering successful professional development programmes in instructional and transformational leadership at the middle tier in the UK, Brunei, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Lebanon.

Contact us to find out more about our work in leadership for learning around the world.
